
MIke Mcconnell on 700 wlw is leaning to the right now,
he used to argue on the side of logic and not take sides
he now openly states “as long as we can blame it all on bush”
in reponse to why the media is pushing global climate change.

is the climate changing?
I honestly can’t tell
media is condradicting each other even on the most basic facts

right now he is targeting
Katie Couric for false hoods or improper reporting
in her news report

Katie is cute, news is irrelevant in most peoples day to day life
news doesn’t fill my car with gas, pay my bills or let my dog out to pee.
it has become a self sustaining ecosystem
or egosystem, there I just coined a word

egosytem – a person or entity whose complete existance and purpose dependes wholey on and about itself.

example: the news creates a story about the news and how the news is …

the news about the news is the news is corrupt
the news about the news is the news is biased

example: a person manipulates people into thinking about them for no other reason than to get attention

“hey look at me I am head of a corporation”
“hey look at me I am jumping off a bridge!”
“hey look at me I am naked”
” hey look at me I am on drugs, so pitty me, and watch me get better, until I am on drugs again”

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