


I tell my kids the key to job security is working hard and showing up everyday. These does not seem to be the case on the surface. Pretty faces, nice haircuts, fancy words, these all seem to be winning. But winning what?

 An honest days work for an honest days pay is all I have ever asked for. If you bill for 8 hours you should put in 8 actual hours of work. In this modern world of constant distraction, a few minutes of distraction leaves the door open morally to an hour of not doing anything productive. What is a few minutes of chatting and surfing the internet to a giant corporation? They have all the money right? Too many times I see people slipping and stretching time out without any billable results. 60 hour work weeks that could have been done in 4 hours if people are focused and on task. My attitude does not make me the most popular guy but business is not about popularity, it is about making money. My life is about creating something to the best of your ability. Something worth my time here on earth. I will be dead someday. I go to sleep at night thinking at least I did something while I was here. I didn’t just sit around and bullshit my way through life. #creating #make 




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